Exciting News

Please take a minute to watch my new  YouTube video. Help support the channel by clicking like, subscribe and post comments. Thanks Lee.

Welcome to part one of a series of short videos detailing the construction a new quarantine system for the Koi Carp. 

Back in the Autumn we had a discussion about exactly what we needed and wanted from the new system. I then drew up some rough plans on the computer tried a few ideas tweaked things around and made a list of what what we need for the job.


Winter has always been a time when we can concentrate on projects such as this and the plan is to have the facility up and running in time for the new season around Easter 2020.


The construction method for this system is timber frame,  plywood walled, fibreglass design with bottom drains and an unusual gravity fed filter. 


It might be different from others that you have seen and I know you will be able to pick up some valuable tips along the way.  


As the work progresses I am planning to shoot some footage and take photos so I can keep you up to date.


When the system is up and running we will be maturing the filter, doing some some water tests and maintain it with water changes.    


The new build is taking place in our old 1980s quarantine. So as you can imagine we have some clearing out to do. 


Anyone who can remember this one being built please let us know.


Your going to find these videos interesting so keep looking out for them  and if your not already subscribed to my channel then now would be a good time. Please give the video a thumbs up post any questions in the comments below.


Its bye for now from Lee at the Japanese Water Gardens.

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