News Letter. Friday 30th April 2021

It has been another busy week here at the Japanese Water Gardens.

The Koi sales are going very strong and we have never had a better selection. Matthew has been restocking the Koi ponds with a selection of Koi from our quarantine. 

We are open every day over the Bank Holiday. 

I just uploaded another video to YouTube please click the video below and take a look. It’s a follow up to a video I posted a few weeks ago. The pond is now filled with water and I am delivering the first stock of Koi. 

Have you noticed the extensive selection of stone Ornaments, Water Features and Benches we have in stock?

A new delivery of pond plants arrived mid week!
We have Marginals, Lilies and Oxygenators.


Please join the Facebook group. We will soon be posting regular fish videos. Special offers and lots of news.
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