News Letter. 25th June 2021

Koi sales are doing very well this year and we are expecting a busy weekend. 

Matthew has been out today and restocked the 7-8″ Koi they are £45 each or 5 for just £199. We also have a tank of 7-8″ high grade at £55 each or 5 for £249.

This week we also took delivery of a new batch of Sturgeon. They are £35 Each.

The new shipment of Koi we had delivered last week are doing great and will be ready for sale in a about 2 weeks time.

If you can not visit the store be sure to take a look online.

We offer a fast and reliable delivery service for our Koi.

All Koi are given a full health check before being packed. Koi are dispatched on a overnight service and will arrive before 12:00 Noon. Delivery days are Wednesdays and Thursdays. A responsible adult must be available to receive the Koi.

Regardless of how many Koi you buy the total delivery fee will not exceed £19-99.

In this super quick video I am going to explain about some of the supplementary dried foods you can purchase to improve, enrich and vary your fishes diet.
The Facebook group has proved popular and many new members have joined. You are welcome to join us and share pictures of your pond post questions and discus fishy subjects.  This year I will be posting videos of Koi on a regular basis along with links to my personal YouTube channel.  You can join here 
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