News Letter. Saturday 14th August 2021

After the horrible weather last Sunday Koi sales picked up and are strong as ever helped, by the increased online interest.

At the moment the selection of Koi available for sale is extensive and of high quality. You won’t be disappointed if you decide to visit this weekend.

To ensure we keep up with demand we decided to take an extra unplanned shipment of Koi. This might be the last shipment of the season. They will be available in a few weeks after completing quarantine. 

We still have a few tubs of the 8kg  Japanese Water Gardens Premium food available, if your looking to buy you can use this voucher to save £18 on the normal shop price. Don’t delay stock is running out fast. 

We also have a fantastic selection of the high quality NishiKoi food, Kockney Koi  and Tetra ranges. What ever you are looking for your going to find it no problem at all.
The Facebook group has proved popular and many new members have joined. You are welcome to join us and share pictures of your pond post questions and discus fishy subjects.  This year I will be posting videos of Koi on a regular basis along with links to my personal YouTube channel.  You can join here 
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