During the winter months we will be more than happy to test your pH and KH free of charge. Please bring a sample of your pond water in a clean jar or plastic beaker.
Over the last few years we have seen an unprecedented number of cases of low Ph in customers ponds. The effects of the problem can, and have been extremely severe. Many fish have died before the problem has been diagnosed by the pond keeper.
The sad thing is that this is one problem that can very very easily be treated or avoided entirely. Testing Ph takes only a few seconds and should be done at least fortnightly. pH testing kits are not expensive and the test is simple and easy to complete.
We have a range of useful products such as pH and KH test kits, Oyster Shells and KH buffer powder.
It is always better to be prepared and not wait until there is a problem. Do not under estimate how damaging low pH can be.
Check out the YouTube video I made for more information about low pH.