Summer is on its way!

In this weeks video I am discussing the nitrite cycle in ponds. Please help establish the channel give the video a thumbs up and post a comment. 

Over the last few weeks the weather has been very good and the sunshine has been bringing in the crowds. Our strategy is simple and effective. 

“Offer good quality Koi at affordable prices.” 

This year our selection is very impressive.  We have tried hard to offer a mixture of varieties and cater for the customer looking for something different.

Before things get too hot and stifling for your fish it is worth installing an air pump. I strongly recommended investing in one. They are super simple to install.

A small inexpensive air pump can be an absolute lifesaver and can cost under £20.  A larger more powerful model will really help to make things comfortable even in a large heavily stocked pond. 

 We have a huge range of air pumps to choose from, most will come with a good supply of air line and diffuser stones so they have everything straight out the box.. 

A very common misconception regarding ponds is that the more plants the more oxygen there will be available for the fish. Whilst it is true that plants express oxygen as a by product of photosynthesis at night this process stops completely.

Serious effects of low oxygen levels are often most obvious  during the summer months when higher water temperatures increase your fish’s activity levels and bacterial processes move into overdrive. Oxygen is actually less soluble in warm water. Meaning the water simply can not retain as much of it. 

 When there are insufficient levels of oxygen your fish can become lethargic and may be reluctant to feed. Some fish will get highly stressed and jump up out of the water.  If your fish are hanging around where the water returns to the pond or sitting under a waterfall that’s a sure sign that something is very wrong.

If you would like to learn more about Oxygen then I wrote a blog last year its call “Let your fish breathe.” and its can be found here.

It has some great advice about what to do should you have an emergency such as a power outage.

We will also be posting weekly to my Facebook group. It has become a popular platform for people to discuss fish related topics, ask each other for advice and post pictures and so on. I regularly post special offers, small articles and videos.

If you would like to join then just click the link or picture and then press the join button.

See you all soon at the store,
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