7to8s Are Back And Nets.

Don’t miss this weeks YouTube video. Whilst out on a delivery I got to see a wonderful planted Koi pond. Simply stunning I grabbed the camera so everyone could enjoy!
Due to strong sales over the last few weeks on the 7 to 8in Koi our tanks have been looking a little empty.

Our quarantine system has been working overtime and we are pleased to announce we have a just released a new batch. The quality is very high and the range of Koi impressive. 

The Buy 2 Get 1 Free offer has been extended to include the 14 to16in Koi and exactly as predicted its been popular, very popular. 

Great value for money priced at only £250 each these Koi are now irresistible. 


Sooner or later every Koi keeper will need to catch up and move a fish. The whole procedure if done properly will cause little or no stress to the fish and can be completed in just a few seconds,  make a mess of it and the fish could up bashing its head or jumping out of the pond and landing full force flat on the deck. Ouch!!

As with most things having the right equipment and skills makes all the difference.  We have a great selection of high quality value for money equipment in stock.  No matter how big you’re Koi at Japanese Water Gardens we have you covered.

Firstly a good Koi net is a absolute must. Don’t even think of using a fishing landing net they are  not rigid, they create a huge amount of drag and will snag your Koi’s fins and you might break the pole in half! A good net should have a rigid pole and have a shallow open net. You can move them easily through the water with minimal effort.

Secondly a large plastic bowl or Koi basket. The bowl should be placed into the water and allowed to fill completely with water. When you are ready to catch the Koi use your net to direct the fish towards the bowl and simply tip the bowl over and slightly down with the edge off the net. The Koi will then swim in without any stress. With a little practice and a lot of luck! the fish never touches the net or the bowl. 

Then you need a handling net also called  Koi sock. This is a soft net with a handle shaped like a tube with an opening at both ends and a handle. Using two hands one on the handle and one closing open end the Koi is simply scooped into open end head first. You can then transport the fish safely any reasonable distance with out of them thrashing around. When you want to release the Koi just let go off the end of the net and the fish will swim out painlessly. 

The importance of maintaining a good level of dissolved oxygen can not be overstated.

 Your fish require oxygen to breathe. The bacteria in your filter system utilize it to break down harmful Ammonia and Nitrites. Large amounts of Oxygen is required to decompose organic material in the pond.

One of the absolute best ways you can keep oxygen at healthy levels is to fit a dedicated air pump. I strongly recommended investing in one. They are super simple to install. 

We have a huge range of air pumps to choose from, most will come with a good supply of air line and diffuser stones so they have everything straight out the box.

This weekend we are running a promotion on Air pumps. Just show this email at the counter and get an extra 10% any Air pump.

We will also be posting weekly to my Facebook group. It has become a popular platform for people to discuss fish related topics, ask each other for advice and post pictures and so on. I regularly post special offers, small articles and videos.

If you would like to join then just click the link or picture and then press the join button.  


See you all soon at the store,
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