The 16 to 18in Koi mix has just been restocked. When I photographed them last week to upload to the internet they looked fabulous value at only £250 each or 3 for only £650.

Some of the Koi in this tank are seriously impressive and should be given a close look. Never be afraid to ask we will be happy to bowl them up for you. These fish need to be seen up close in a basket!

Also new is a large mix of 14 to 16in premium plus Koi. These fish have not yet been uploaded to the internet. If you visit the store soon you will get the first opportunity to pick from this varied mix of fish.
They are £195 each or 3 for just £499.

It’s not just the main pond fish that are on the BUY 2 GET 1 FREE offer.
The 12in Premium Koi are hard to beat in the very first pond straight out the door. £160 each and BUY 2 GET 1 FREE!

As you can see we have one of the best displays of fish you will ever see!
There are so many great fish here and so many unbeatable offers I can not tell you about them all here. Make sure you visit Japanese Water Gardens soon and find that perfect Koi for your pond.

We will also be posting weekly to my Facebook group. It has become a popular platform for people to discuss fish related topics, ask each other for advice and post pictures and so on. I regularly post special offers, small articles and videos.
If you would like to join then just click the link or picture and then press the join button.

See you all soon at the store,
thanks for reading this newsletter,