NOT LONG NOW! During the winter we have been busy renovating our pond area. The work is almost completed and it will not be long before we open up our ponds again for the new season. The new and improved filters will ensure we can put on a display of Koi that is sure to impress. And […]
Category Archives: Lee’s Blog
A quick email to say thank you for your custom over the past year. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all the staff at Japanese Water Gardens. Looking forward to seeing you again next season. Regards Lee. This email was sent to << Test Email Address >> why did I […]
In this weeks newsletter we are continuing the “hints and tips for winter” theme. In last weeks email I covered feeding and winter maintenance. This week we are taking a look at protecting your fish from the effects of extreme cold and big temperature fluctuations. We are also discussing a common problem pH crash and how […]
Want more tips to help your fish through winter then this video is for you. Please help support the channel, post a comment, thumbs up the video and subscribe to the channel. Winter is just around the corner. In this weeks newsletter we are looking at preparing garden ponds for winter, discussing the changes we […]
Yesterday I was out by the ponds taking photographs and video of the remaining Koi stocks. It was a good job I have a big brolley because it rained all day! As the summer comes to a close and we move in Autumn you can definitely feel a difference in the day time temperatures. Before […]
Take a look at this stunning pond and waterfall system. It is without doubt one of the best. Please help establish my channel, thumbs up the video, post a comment and share! Our amazing BUY 2 GET 1 FREE offer has now been extended to include the 10 to 12in Premium Koi, 8 to 10in […]
Pond lights, fish spawning and more. Please help support the channel post comments, thumbs up the video and make sure you’re subscribed. Summer has finally arrived and there has never been a better time to visit Japanese Water Gardens. At the moment we have some truly amazing offers on the Koi. Our ever popular BUY […]
In this edition of the Black Chair we tackle going on holiday when you have a Koi pond, how can you tell when a Dechlorinator is working? and how to tame your Koi? Have you ever wanted to know how many gallons are in your pond? Calculating a simple shape such as a cuboid is […]
Just in time for Father’s Day we have brought back the amazing BUY 2 GET 1 FREE offer. The ever popular BUY 2 GET 1 FREE offer is now available on our 14-16 / 12-14 / 10-12 in Premium Plus Koi. You will not find a better display of high quality, value for money Koi […]
This week at the shop we have been preparing for a busy Bank Holiday Weekend. The ponds have been stocked up with new Koi. No outlandish prices. Just great value for money quality fish. A lot of people have been asking about floating plants. Owing to the poor weather at the start of this year they have […]