This week I have decided to run a promotion on the Koi in our main pond.
Anyone making a purchase will be taking home a large tub of Koi sticks.
The Japanese Water Gardens Premium Grade Pond Sticks are a new addition to our line of high quality Koi and Pond Fish foods.
The Koi in our main pond are priced from only £329. We have an impressive selection of very affordable Koi.
Earlier this week I was busy up loading a selection of 14-16in Koi priced at just £170 Each. There are some stunning Koi to choose from.
I have also up loaded around 20 extra Koi in the 16-18in sizes. They are priced to sell being only £270 each.
If you can not visit the store be sure to take a look online.
On Wednesday we took delivery of our 5th delivery of Koi. They went straight into our quarantine and will be available for sale in approximately 3 weeks time.
I will let everyone know as soon as they go on sale.
