News Letter. Friday 11th June 2021

This week we have had another delivery of Aquatic Plants.

We have an impressive selection of quality Marginals, Water Lilies and for first time this season Water Lettuce.

Water Lettuce multiply quickly and will help provide your fish with some welcome shade. The plants are also excellent at reducing phosphate and nitrite levels in your pond and will help combat Blanket Weed or green water algae problems.

Water Lettuce are £2.75 Each or 3 for just £6.75.

The Koi ponds are stocked up ready for a busy weekend. The selection of Koi on offer is very impressive and we have some unusual variety.

If you can not visit the store you can find a selection available on the website.

We can offer delivery to most addresses. 
Over the last few weeks I have had several customers experiencing problems with the pH of their pond water.  Please keep a close watch on it. This is a YouTube video I made last year about the problem. 
We have all heard the much overused cliche “take care of the water and the fish will take care of themselves.” or “fish keeping is all about keeping water” and so on. Well there is a lot of truth in those sayings and there are huge amount of problems that develop in a Koi ponds that could easily be avoided by improving water conditions and reducing stress in the fish.

It’s all well and good just to assume that everything is ok with the water because everything appears to be ok with the fish and it has always been ok. But that view is naive at best. Sooner or later something will change and a problem will ensue.The only way to know the state of the water is to test it with a proper test kit.

A basic set of Kits must include tests for pH, Ammonia and nitrite. There are many more kits available but these are the main ones you need to be checking on a typical Koi pond.

If you would like to learn more I made a YouTube video about why water testing matters.
The Facebook group has proved popular and many new members have joined. You are welcome to join us and share pictures of your pond post questions and discus fishy subjects.  This year I will be posting videos of Koi on a regular basis along with links to my personal YouTube channel.  You can join here 
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