Over the last week we have been busy getting ready for the extended Bank Holiday Weekend.
We are planning to open everyday and will be celebrating the Queens 70 year jubilee by decorating the ponds and running some exciting promotions.
The Koi stock is in excellent condition and our selection is hard to beat. I know you will have no problem finding those special Koi that will bring fresh colour to your pond whilst enjoying the festivities.

This weekend we are offering a huge 20% off all the Koi our main pond. Just click the picture above and take a look.
I strongly recommend a visit to the store however If you can not visit we are able to ship directly to your door. The over night service is excellent value for money and is proving very popular.
One of last weeks customers from Yorkshire was so pleased with the service he contacted me personally to let me know. His Koi had arrived around 9.30am and he was very impressed with the careful handling the delivery driver demonstrated. He also remarked how well packaged the boxes and how quickly the fish had settled into their new home.
Our Japanese style ornaments are hand carved from fine flecked silver grey granite. We have a range of Lanterns, Pagodas and Benches. The attention to detail is stunning and will enhance any garden or pond.
Now is a great time to pick up a bargain as they are reduced by 25%.

As summer approaches and the water in our pond warms up it is extremely important that we maintain good levels of oxygen for our fish.
In order to maintain oxygen in the water you need to circulate it and agitate the surface. One of the most efficient and cost effective ways this can be achieved is to install a dedicated air pump.
We are offering you the chance to save 15% off any pond air pump. Even if you already have an air pump pick up a small set and keep it as a back up or use it when doing your salt dips.

If you are starting up a new filter or just looking to give your existing one a boost then Oase DuoBoost will be what your looking for.
For garden lovers who want to keep their pond water clear the natural way: The innovative bacteria gel and optimally chosen minerals work in a double action to activate the natural pond biology of the water in a quick and easy process.
The Buy 2 Get 1 Free offer is not to be missed.

Feeding a good quality fish food with a mixture of balanced ingredients is an important consideration when providing a diet for your treasured fish.
Good quality fish food will contain animal based proteins as opposed to the cheaper vegetable based proteins contained in less expensive fish feeds.
You will not find a better quality, value for money product than our own shop brand Koi food.

Over the past few weeks several of the customers visiting the store have asked me “how can I get my fish to feed from the hand? Why don’t my fish come up and be friendly like the fish here at the water gardens.”
Feeding your fish is one of the most enjoyable aspects of keeping fish. We all want our fish to be straight up to the surface eagerly feeding and showing us affection.
Buy a bag of Koi treats. Hold them just at the surface between the finger and thumb. Let the fish suck on the treats don’t make it easy for them. The longer the feeding experience takes the better. But don’t over do the quantity.

Kusuri Klay is a unique, high purity Montmorillonite clay, which remineralizers your water improves clarity, Koi colour and luster, aids health and stimulates appetite.
To administer a dose the clay is measured into a bucket, pond water is added and then whisked up vigorously. The bucket is then dumped into the pond.
The pond water will quickly cloud. Over a period of hours the fine clay particles attract other particles and form small clumps which will eventually settle to the bottom of the pond. This flocculation process sharpens up the water. The small clumps are consumed by the fish and pass through the digestive system.

Back in the early days of pond keeping some clever soul, not sure who that was, made a fantastic discovery that changed ornamental ponds for ever. Ultraviolet Light is damaging to single celled “green algae” – a common cause of murky water in ponds.
Once the DNA of the algae is damaged it tends to form heavy clumps that, sink to the bottom of the pond or get trapped in the filter media and then die. So long as you’re killing off the algae faster than it is multiplying the water becomes crystal clear and you can see your lovely fish.
If you need a new UV then make sure you take advantage of this great offer. A massive 20% off the ever popular Evolution Aqua Range.

Evolution Aqua have launched the Nexus320+ and Nexus220+filtration systems. Building on the tried and tested technology that has been ever present in the world renowned Nexus, the team at Evolution Aqua have gone even further to enhance their number one Koi pond filter.
I don’t think you will find this filter at these prices anywhere.

Lilies make a beautiful addition to any pond. The elegant flowers can be seen from June to September. The shade they provide lowers light levels, which in turn reduces algae growth.
Did you know that our supplier has recently received a prestigious award from the Chelsea flower show!

As you can see there is a lot a reasons to visit this weekend. Whilst you are here, pop into Alfie’s tea room and sample some of the delicious treats he has on offer.
The staff truly care about your experience and the food is absolutely amazing.

I doubt that the Queen will read this but I would like to say ” congratulations, Your Majesty, on your 70 years as our Queen. Thank you to you and to Prince Philip for your commitment and long years of service to our Country and the Commonwealth”
Take care everyone, enjoy the extended weekend. Hope to see you all soon.