Great Offer On Koi And How To Save Money On Electricity Bills. Plus More.

 This is Part 5 of my step by step drum filter install. Thank you everyone for your patience its been a huge job creating them! Please help support the channel, thumbs up the video, post a comment and subscribe.
Just over a week ago we celebrated the 70 year jubilee. We decorated the ponds with Bunting and ran a series of special offers. The shop was extremely busy and I was particularly impressed with the response we had to the 20% OFF main pond Koi. This weekend I have decided to start a new offer on the Koi in the main pond. For the next few weeks I am going to run BUY 2 GET GET 1 FREE. The prices range from £399 to £999 and we have a great selection of Koi to pick from. You can choose any 3 Koi from the range and the least expensive will be free of charge. The ever popular Evolution Aqua Nexus filters are a solid choice for installation on a Koi pond.   Nexus filters are compact systems that are easy to install and maintain. To service a nexus it is simply a matter of switching off your pump, operating a couple of valves and taking a minute break whilst your air pump agitates a column of K1 media. You then just need to drain the filter out by opening the service drain and reset the valves and the filter will be up and running again in a few minutes.  The two most recent models are the 220 Plus and 320 Plus. They can be configured to run both pump fed and gravity fed. We have both models in stock and they are on at a price that is hard to better. However should you ever see them cheaper then don’t forget we have our lowest price guarantee. For more information about the Nexus filter installation check out the video below or visit Evolution Aqua’s website they have a lot of Diagrams, specifications and instruction guides.
If you would like to know more about these incredible filters I recommended watching a video I posted to YouTube Last year. It shows a typical install of a gravity fed Nexus. 
A lot of people are becoming increasingly concerned about the rising cost of living, in particular energy costs. At the moment electricity costs seem to be shooting up into orbit and there is no sign of them coming down. So is there anything we as pond keepers can do to use less electricity without sacrificing the ponds we love or putting our fish at risk? The answer is almost certainly yes. I am of course referring to energy efficient speed controllable pumps. At the touch of a button the pond keeper has complete control over the flow rate and energy consumption. This gives you the option of turning down flow rate in winter when the fish are less active and increasing it during the warmer months when there is a greater need for oxygen.  One of the most popular controllable pumps is the Evolution Aqua Varipump. They are quiet, reliable and available in three sizes to suit even the largest of ponds and filters.     Varipump is suitable for use in and out of a pond. Hose Tail fittings included. It makes sense to switch to a variable speed pump. Do not wait until your old pump breaks down. You can start saving money as soon as you switch.  We currently have all three models in stock and our prices are extremely competitive.  Thank you for reading the news letter. Have a great weekend hope to see you soon. Lee.  
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