For many people who have built their ponds during the last two years, this year is the first time they will be taking a holiday. The pandemic made holidays difficult and many simply stayed at home not wanting the stress of booking a holiday to have it canceled or ruined by difficult restrictions.
Over the last few weeks we have noticed a lot of people coming to the shop are asking questions about how best to ensure their fish are safe and happy and their ponds run smoothly whilst they are away.
I decided this would make a great topic for a YouTube video. So last week after we shut the shop I made a short video that will answer many of the questions that come up and give you some helpful tips.
Recent YouTube holiday video. Please help support the channel, post a comment, thumbs up the video and subscribe to the channel. Thank you.
My Facebook group now has over 9,000 members. It has become a popular platform for people to discuss fish related topics, ask each other for advice and post pictures and so on. I regularly post special offers, small articles and videos.
We have just started a new regular post “pick of the day” where we choose a small selection of the many Koi we currently have in stock and make a 2 minute video about them.
If you would like to join then just click the link or picture and then press the join button.
Due to warm stable pond temperatures now is the perfect time to purchase some new Koi. Our tanks are stocked well with good variety and choice. Any new arrivals to your pond will have plenty of time to settle in before the onset of winter.
I do believe the best way to purchase Koi is to make a trip out to the store. It is simply not possible to display each and every fish that we have in stock. And there is no way you can appreciate the quality of our fish properly from a photo or video.

However as you will know Koi sales are now very popular online. For those who can not make the trip to the store our web-store and delivery service is the ideal way to purchase fish.
The webpages are regularly updated with pictures and videos of the new stock. Recently I have been able to program the shopping cart to apply Buy 2 get 1 free offers, Bundle offers and much more.

A customer recently told me how impressed he was with the simple easy to use website layout. He has now purchased several Koi and intends to buy more in the future. He particularly liked the short videos we display below the main picture.
Getting feedback like this is really appreciated.
More news letters coming soon.