Bank Holiday Offers, Tash steals the show.

We have some great offers here this weekend. Tash was so keen to tell you about them she made a YouTube video. Please check it out we have some great deals on the Koi.
http://www.jwgkoi.comThe superb weather and consistent warm temperatures has helped us to enjoy another bumper year.

It has been a pleasure to meet so many newcomers to the hobby of Koi keeping and the online sales have become extremely popular.

Last weekend was no exception. I spent most of my time out around the Koi ponds chatting to the customers, showing off the fish. 
I am sure you will have noticed some of the “Pick of the day” videos I have been posting on social media. Both me and Wendy have had fun choosing our favorite Koi and shooting quick videos to upload to YouTube and Facebook. 

If you have missed them don’t worry they are easy to find on our website. You can view them on the webpage

About a month ago we took delivery of our last shipment for the season. They have successfully cleared quarantine and have been distributed throughout our sales tanks.

We have a fantastic selection of high quality Koi available to purchase and over the bank holiday weekend we have decided to run several promotions.

You will now see the hugely popular BUY 2 GET 1 FREE offers running on several of the sales tanks! 

This offer has proven so popular on the large Koi tank that we simply had to try and extend it further. 

Need to stock up on Koi food? We have a 20% off Koi food offer. Just show the above voucher at the till and save.

We are also running 10% off marked prices on all the smaller Koi tanks. we have Koi available from under £20. Stocks are running low so do not delay.
My Facebook group now has over 9,000 members. It has become a popular platform for people to discuss fish related topics, ask each other for advice and post pictures and so on. I regularly post special offers, small articles and videos.

If you would like to join then just click the link or picture and then press the join button.

Please remember to check out Tash’s video at the top of this email. She is certianly an up and comming star.

Looking forward to seeing you at the shop soon.

Thank you for reading this weeks News letter.


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