New products and getting ready for the new season.

We are installing a set of new holding ponds at the Japanese Water Gardens. There is not a minute to loose if they are going to be ready for the new season. Everyone will find this interesting you can pick up some tips on pipework, pumps and bottoms drains. We are also going to build a DIY gravity fed filter system and show you exactly how to make your own! Please help establish the channel, give the video a thumbs up and leave a comment.
It has been another busy week at the shop. Work on the new ponds is progressing and soon we will be preparing our ponds to receive our first shipment of Koi.

This year we will be able to offer a selection of Koi that will truly be one of this most extensive and impressive ever. If anyone has any special requests for more unusual varieties of Koi then please get in touch. We will be happy to source them for you during our upcoming buying trip.

You can always reach us by phone or email 0115 9397926,


We have been busy inside the shop too!

This week we have had several large deliveries of dry goods to stock up the shelves ready for the new season.

We are now a stockiest of the Bermuda Water Gardening and Pond Products range. Bermuda is one of the UK’s most recognizable water gardening brands. They offer high quality, reliable products at an affordable price.

Over the years Japanese Water Gardens have secured a reputation for excellent service and value for money. This is something we are very keen to maintain and improve in the future. In regard to pricing it is often difficult for bricks and mortar stores to compete with the online giants such a Amazon. A lot of people now purchase goods online assuming that the smaller retailers simply can not compete on price.

However you will often find that we are actually cheaper on many items. Recently we checked some prices on our filters systems and pond pumps. I knew our prices were very competitive but I was amazed to find that we were actually considerably cheaper!

Our prices on the Oase box set filters were outstanding value. On some of the models we were more than 15% cheaper than the competition. 


“Happy Valentine’s Day! My favorite place in the world is next to you or out by my fish pond!”

Stuck for a good gift idea this might be just the thing.

My Facebook group now has over 10,000 members. It has become a popular platform for people to discuss fish related topics, ask each other for advice and post pictures and so on. I regularly post special offers, small articles and videos.

If you would like to join then just click the link or picture and then press the join button.

Don’t forget to check out the YouTube video of the new ponds were are installing. This year I will be posting a lot more content and there will be a variety of videos, something of interest for every Koi or pond keeper.

See you all soon at the store,
thanks for reading this newsletter,


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