Starting up your pond.

We are installing a set of new holding ponds at the Japanese Water Gardens. There is not a minute to loose if they are going to be ready for the new season. Everyone will find this interesting you can pick up some tips on pipework, pumps and bottoms drains. We are also going to build a DIY gravity fed filter system and show you exactly how to make your own! Please help establish the channel, give the video a thumbs up and leave a comment.
The new season is just around the corner. During the next couple of weeks we will be making final preparations for the reopening of our Koi sales area.

As you will be aware if you follow my YouTube channel we have almost finished the new stock tanks. After a bumper year last season we realized we needed extra capacity and flexibility. We now have four five hundred gallon tanks that can be used to temporary store Koi sold online or accommodate over-spill from our main sales tanks.

This year we will have a wonderful selection of high quality Koi at affordable, realistic prices. 

If you know exactly what you want but are struggling to find it then maybe we can help. Give us a call or drop us an email and we will do our best to find the fish that’s just right for you.

0115 9397926 or email

Thank you everyone who has contacted us to make requests. We are soon on our main buying trip and will be on the lookout for some of the more unusual varieties. 

As the weather improves and the water in our ponds warms up, our fish will become more active. You will see them rising in the water looking for food.

If you haven’t been feeding through winter now would be a good time to start feeding again.

Start them off gently with a small feed or two each day. You can of course use up any leftover wheatgerm fish food and gradually transition onto them over to a more protein rich staple food. 

It is definitely a good idea to give your filters a spring clean. There will be a significant accumulation of winter detritus sitting on the bottom of the filter or blocking up your media. 

Open up the drainage valves and swill some clean pond water around to flush  out the heavy gunk. After a few days drop a few balls of Pure Pond Balls into the pond to boost the biomass. Treatments such as this can also help digest silt sitting on the bottom of the pond or trapped in hard to reach corners or folds behind the liner. 

A very useful accessory is a dedicated pond vacuum. Used regularly, an inexpensive model such as the Bermuda Pondi Vacuum Cleaner makes cleaning your pond or filter as easy as it can be. The multi-purpose pond vac can be used in wet or dry applications to remove sludge, algae and other particles from the pond and it even has a blow mode!

Keep a close watch on your water parameters. Spring is often a time when problems emerge in ponds.. 

A reliable set of test kits is the only way to be sure that everything is working as it should.  Do not just assume the water is good.

Pay particular attention to pH and Nitrites both excellent indicators of the general health of your pond. A sudden shift in pH or rise in nitrites can indicate a problem emerging and give you sufficient time to rectify it before it adversely affects your fish.

I made a YouTube video a few years ago that will show you just how easy it is to do water testing  and why it can be such an important part of your pond up keep.

My Facebook group now has over 10,000 members. It has become a popular platform for people to discuss fish related topics, ask each other for advice and post pictures and so on. I regularly post special offers, small articles and videos.

If you would like to join then just click the link or picture and then press the join button.

Don’t forget to check out the YouTube video of the new ponds were are installing. This year I will be posting a lot more content and there will be a variety of videos, something of interest for every Koi or pond keeper.

See you all soon at the store,
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