After a chilly week last week hopefully winter is now behind us and spring is on its way. Friday was fun I had to dig out the van and clear most of the street of snow.
Let’s hope we are in for some good weather this year, so we can all be out enjoying our ponds and gardens.
Japanese Water Gardens are renowned for quality, choice and value for money. This year we will not disappoint.
In just a couple of weeks our Koi ponds will be open for the new season. We will have one of the most impressive displays of fish you will find anywhere.

A microscope is an essential piece of equipment for the Koi keeper. It allows you to easily identify fish parasites.

Stop the spread of an infection before it becomes a serious problem.
Once you have diagnosed a problem you can choose the most appropriate treatment and administer it without delay.
If you are at all unsure how to use a microscope you can find many helpful tips from YouTube. There are several videos that show you clearly the most common fish parasites and you will soon realize that this tool is actually very simple and easy to use.
We have now started stocking a new Microscope Kit that includes everything you need to carry out fish skin scrapes.

It is exceptional value for money and will be ideal as a first microscope as it is very simple to operate.
It is even supplied with its own secure carrying case!

I know it is easy to forget about books since the advent of the internet but this book is a fantastic resource for Koi heath issues.
It is only £8.99 and has very high quality information that is presented in a manner that everyone will understand.

This book explains about water quality, pond maintenance, parasites, treatments and much much more. It is one of the best books available and has contributions from several highly respected Koi heath specialists.
I am sure you have noticed the extensive range of pipe fittings we have available at the shop. We try to keep a good stock of pipe fittings and are always looking to expand.

Just this week when chatting to a customer I was told how impressive our selection was and that the prices were more than reasonable.
We have recently stocked up on some more unusual fittings such as the push fit 12mm fittings used on the Evolution Aqua filters and a variety of useful small ball valves, brass hose tails etc that are perfect for airline systems.

What is especially handy is the way we display the fittings and allow customers to rummage through and find exactly what they need.
Of course we are always happy to take the time and help you pick out the right fittings and explain how they can be assembled.
My Facebook group now has over 10,000 members. It has become a popular platform for people to discuss fish related topics, ask each other for advice and post pictures and so on. I regularly post special offers, small articles and videos.
If you would like to join then just click the link or picture and then press the join button.

See you all soon at the store,
thanks for reading this newsletter,