Since opening up our Koi ponds for the 2023 season trade has been brisk and I know we are going to have a good year.
Over the past few weeks we have received some excellent customer feedback. I was expecting to get a good response the quality and variety of Koi on offer is makes for a superb display.

Online sales are expected to be strong this year. This week we have dispatched orders orders to Clacton onSea, Stinchcombe and Bristol.
We ship them on a reliable over night service that costs just £20. Amazing value for money!

The website has been updated several times and you will now find a good selection of Koi are available to buy on line. The listings are somewhat time consuming to create so it has to be completed in batches.
Spring is the perfect time to replace your Ultra Violet lamps. Even if the lamp is illuminating if it is more than about 6 months old it will no longer be emitting UV light.

Without the UV it is highly likely that your pond water will turn green and murky looking, you will no longer be able to enjoy your fish.
Replacing the lamp is not difficult but they are extremely delicate and care must be taken to ensure there is no damage to your quartz sleeve.

There are many different sizes and styles of UV and we will have most of them in stock. But before visiting the store please ensure you know the wattage and lamp type. If you’re not sure either refer to your user manual or extract the lamp from the unit and bring it into the shop.
We will also be posting weekly to my Facebook group. It has become a popular platform for people to discuss fish related topics, ask each other for advice and post pictures and so on. I regularly post special offers, small articles and videos.
If you would like to join then just click the link or picture and then press the join button.

See you all soon at the store,
thanks for reading this newsletter,