More Koi on go on sale and Klay!

In this weeks video I give you a behind the scene peek into how we sell Koi online.
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After a busy extended Bank Holiday our ponds were ready for a restock. Fortunately we were well prepared and Matthew has moved Koi from our quarantine out to the main display ponds. 

Our selection of Koi has never been more impressive! We have some fantastic Koi available and they are as ever amazing value.

For more information about the Koi be sure to visit the website or check out some of the pick of the day videos I have been posting to YouTube. 

Pick of the day videos are short and entertaining. They help to showcase our stock and often point out some of the more unusual or particularly impressive Koi.
Have you ever tried Kusuri Klay? A superior montmorillonite that re-mineralises and revitalizes pond water.

Clays have been used in Koi ponds for years. To administer a dose the clay is measured into a bucket, pond water is added and then whisked up vigorously. The bucket is then dumped into the pond. The pond water will quickly cloud. Over a period of hours the fine clay particles attract other particles and form small clumps which will eventually settle to the bottom of the pond. This flocculation process sharpens up the water. The small clumps are consumed by the fish and pass through the digestive system. 

With repeated use you will see your fish develop a healthy lustre on the skin and vibrant colours. You cannot overdose a pond on Clay but it is unlikely that excessively high doses of clay will have significant additional benefits. You don’t have to use a lot of it to really get a benefit. A 1Kg bag will service a 1000 gallon pond for half a year. If you follow the recommendation outlined on the packaging. 

We will also be posting weekly to my Facebook group. It has become a popular platform for people to discuss fish related topics, ask each other for advice and post pictures and so on. I regularly post special offers, small articles and videos.

If you would like to join then just click the link or picture and then press the join button.

See you all soon at the store,
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