Not long too wait now.


During the winter we have been busy renovating our pond area. The work is almost completed and it will not be long before we open up our ponds again for the new season.

The new and improved filters will ensure we can put on a display of Koi that is sure to impress. And now we have a roof! Extra shade for the fish and no more walking around with brollies.

Let me introduce you to Emma our newest employee at Japanese Water Gardens. Emma is a quick learner with stacks of enthusiasm. She has a keen interest in Aquatics and Pets and will be a great asset to the company.

 AND she has agreed too helping me out this year with the YouTube/Social media thing. So expect to see a lot more from Emma soon.

To help prepare our ponds for the new season stocks I have been trying out a new product.  The Biota Bacterial Activator with Bioata Complete.

Biota contains a complete mix of bacteria and nutrition which is used for the growth/activation of bacteria yourself by using the Biota bacterial activator.

Look out for an up coming a YouTube video detailing my experiences with this new exciting product.

Summer growth food is now back in stock and you will find  we are well stocked up on the ever popular Nishi Koi and Yamatsu ranges. 

Premium food is both high quality and tremendous value for money. Premium food contains all the essential vitamins and minerals that your fish need to be healthy and thrive. 

Whilst in the store pick up a pack of our supplementary food. The ideal product to improve, enrich and vary your fishes diet.

Our ready mixed blend contains river shrimps, mealworms and silkworm pupa.

River shrimps are high in keratin, a protein that is wonderful for the skin. They help to develop the Koi’s colour.

Mealworms are a tasty treat for Koi, full of minerals, vitamins and edible oils.

Silkworm pupa contain a tremendous of amount natural proteins ideal for supercharging the growth of your fish. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this News Letter.

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