Open For Viewing

The Koi ponds are now open for the new season.
Our first shipment of Koi for 2021 has cleared quarantine. We have a great selection of Koi. Over the next week we will update our website with Koi from our main pond. 
Lee’s  Youtube channel has been doing well.  If you would like to see a lot of whats been going on here during the winter please check out the channel. 
We have been busy in the shop making some changes. I you haven’t been for a while you will be surprised at the range of dry goods we now have in stock. 
The Facebook group has proved popular and many new members have joined. You are welcome to join us and share pictures of your pond post questions and discus fishy subjects.  This year I will be posting videos of Koi on a regular basis along with links to my personal YouTube channel.  You can join here 
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