News Letter. Friday 28th May 2021

Matthew has been out today restocking all our sales ponds with Koi for the weekend.

Fish sales are going very well this season and we wanted to ensure that we can keep up with the demand.

This week we took delivery of another large shipment of Koi and coldwater pond fish.

Due to the large number of boxes involved we decided too erect a temporary holding facility to reduce  the strain on our quarantine system. 

Matthew will be restocking the sales ponds ready for a busy weekend.

Our on line sales are doing fantastic and I have been uploading a large number of new Koi onto the website you can find them by clicking this link.

I have also filmed these fish and made YouTube video.
Take a look at this mix of 10-12″ Koi. They are all £140 Each or 3 for only £349. We can dispatch on an over night service and are even offering free delivery!
Clays have been used in Koi ponds for years. To administer a dose the clay is measured into a bucket, pond water is added and then whisked up vigorously. The bucket is then dumped into the pond.

The pond water will quickly cloud. Over a period of hours the fine clay particles attract other particles and form small clumps which will eventually settle to the bottom of the pond. This flocculation process sharpens up the water. The small clumps are consumed by the fish and pass through the digestive system.

With repeated use you will see your fish develop a healthy lustre on the skin and vibrant colours.You cannot overdose a pond on Clay but it is unlikely that excessively high doses of clay will have significant additional benefits. You don’t have to use a lot of it to really get a benefit. A 1Kg bag will service a 1000 gallon pond for half a year. If you follow the recommendation outlined on the packaging.

I made video about this product if you missed it take a look.
The Facebook group has proved popular and many new members have joined. You are welcome to join us and share pictures of your pond post questions and discus fishy subjects.  This year I will be posting videos of Koi on a regular basis along with links to my personal YouTube channel.  You can join here 
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