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Koi Ponds will close for winter maintenance from Monday 20th November.

Shop will of course remain open 7 days a week.
Monday to Saturday 9:30am – 5:00pm
Sunday 9:30am – 4:30pm

Koi will be housed in our quarantine over winter and will be available for viewing by request.

Japanese Water Gardens, 251 Toton Lane, Stapleford, Nottingham, NG9 7JA.
Just 2 minutes from M1 Junction 25.
Open Every day.
Ample free parking.
0115 9397926.

Just had these fantastic Discus arrive in the tropical fish room.

If you are looking for something stunning for a tropical tank Discus are a great choice. A tank stocked with high quality Discus will never fail to impress!

Winter is the perfect time to start up a new tank.

Discus are slightly more of a challenge than bread and butter community fish, however all that is really required is an understanding of basic water pH and kh. 

Next time you are in the store be sure to pop into the trop room and take a look.

We are always here to help and advise. 

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