Koi Ponds Open 2024

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Let’s kick off this week’s email with some exciting news. The new season Koi will go on sale today and I can’t wait to show them off! 

We have a stunning selection of high quality, value for money fish that are certain to tempt even the most selective Koi keeper. 

You are going to be impressed not just by the wonderful Koi but also by the prices too. In fact overall the prices have not changed from last season.  

This year we have made a determined effort to offer a mix of varieties and if looking for something different then look no further.

Over the next few weeks expect to see regular updates to the Koi pages on our website www.jwgkoi.com  We have already started photographing the fish but the process is time consuming so I thank you for your patience. 

We all like a bargain and I have convinced Wendy to run a promotion on our new branded Premium Koi Food. Over the Easter weekend we are discounting it by a generous 20%. 

Such is our conviction to this product we are now feeding all our stocks on this incredible food.  

Premium food is both high quality and tremendous value for money. Premium food contains all the essential vitamins and minerals that your fish need to be healthy and thrive. 

Marginals and lilies are expected to arrive at the store today. We stock baskets, compost and pot liners, everything you are likely o need.

Plants such as lilies and floating lettuce can provide welcome shade for your fish. The shade helps to keep the water cooler, provides security for your fish and prevents strong light penetrating into the pond. Blanket weed and green water algae thrive in ponds with little or no shade. 

Now is a great time to swap your UV lamps out. The lamps may appear to be illuminating however their ability to combat green water will quickly diminish after 8 months usage. Spring is the ideal time to swap out your old lamps.

There are many different sizes and styles of UV and we will have most of them in stock. But before visiting the store please ensure you know the wattage and lamp type.

If you’re not sure either refer to your user manual or extract the lamp from the unit and bring it into the shop.

Thanks for reading this weeks newsletter I tried to make it bright and colourful as its Easter.

Looking forward to seeing you at the shop soon.

Take care everyone and Happy Easter from Lee.

The guy that loves…..

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